Sunday, January 16, 2011


Ok, it's official....Matthew is acting more and more like a teenager.  GOD HELP US ALL!  The back-talking and sassing is even worse than usual!  He won't be 13 til summer & I can only imagine what we're in for then.  I guess that also means he's feeling better, though so that part is good.  :-) 

Scott got a new prescription for his glasses this week.  His sports glasses came in on Friday, but his regular glasses have not.  I thought that was a little odd, but as long as he can see, I'm ok with it.  He doesn't really like his sports glasses, but I want him to wear them anyway since his old prescription is so much weaker than this one.

I thought I had submitted some pictures online to be developed at Wal~Mart.  When I went to pick them up, they told me the order had not gone through.  Wah!  So, I guess I'll need to submit them again after I get paid.  I had some 5x7's made for our bedroom of Jason & the boys and of myself and the boys.

Dad was in the hospital this week for 4 days.  He is home now.  His heart was in pretty bad shape for a while there, but I think they've gotten it straightened out...for him anyway!  I'm hoping to be able to go see him in March or April.  I'll be working a few weekends in February so it'll have to wait til then.  Please continue to keep him in your prayers.  Also, please pray for Jason as he attempts to find work here.  We could really use the extra income.

That's all for this week.  For those of you who get this in e-mail form, you can go here to see this post with accompanying pictures as well as  prior posts with those pictures of the boys at the park from a couple of weeks ago.
