Saturday, January 28, 2012

14 Days til we leave!

Since it's just 14 days til Matthew & I leave Jason & Scott in Texas to get his Service Dog, I thought I'd make a heartfelt plea to Karen & Jeremy & the rest of the gang at 4 Paws who are deciding which dog we'll get:

Please make my child's day
Do whatever you may
come up with our matches
before we pay our taxes
this we humbly pray.

We get his SD on Feb 14!  WOOOO  HOOOOO!!!  We are anxiously awaiting notice from Karen at 4Paws as to the breed & name of Matthew's new friend!


Wednesday, January 25, 2012

18 DAYS!!!

We have 18 days til we meet Matthew's new friend!  WE absolutely cannot wait to meet his Service Dog.  And on Valentine's Day!  How appropriate is that??????