Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Pictures of Hawai'i. . . FINALLY!

I finally got around to borrowing Scott's computer to download pictures from the camera to put on here.  I'll try to note which island the pics are from.  TRY!
This is Rainbow Falls on the Big Island.

This is Oahu.

This is steam from Kilauea Volcano on Big Island

Matthew and
Scott with Kilauea in the background (Big Island)

Sunset off Maui with either Lanai or Molokai in the background

Jason & the boys when we first got to Big Island--these are the cliffs
that are closest to our house here.

Maui sunset again


Scott & Matthew playing at the top of Rainbow Falls (Big Island)

Jason and me with Akaka Falls in the background (Big Island)



This is me at the end of the road north of Hawi on the BIg Island

 The 3 pictures above are all from Maui--Paia is the town's name.

Big Island


Big Island--Jason laid down on the cliff's edge down from where we live to get the picture below for me.  I'm too chicken to do that!

Big Island


Big Island surfers

Double Rainbow on Saddle Road you can see the lower
portion of Mauna Kea in the background.  This is
Big Island also.

Big Island

Matthew looking for humpback whales

There's a hole in this rock that makes it look like a whale's
blowhole when the waves crash in.
We have a TON of pics, but we tried to only select a few "representative" pictures for ya'll to look at.
Tell Scott & me which one is your favorite from the above & we'll print one out for 5 readers & send to you!  Be sure to leave your comment & email address so we can get your address, ok?  Next time, Matthew & I will pick the "winners".