Monday, December 12, 2011

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

Scott & Matthew felt this was needed....not sure WHY!

 I'm still not entirely clear as to WHY the Halo Army Snipers felt it necessary to take up vantage points in the Christmas tree.  Scott said it had something to do with the ornaments and lights staging a mutiny? 
Oh, these boys!  There's never a dull moment around when they're home, that's for SURE!

The Cookie Masters (or is it Cookie Monsters?) at work!
Our Red, White and Blue Christmas tree! 

As you can tell, the boys had a wonderful time decorating the Christmas cookies! (By the way, all the cookies were gone by 5 the next day!  HA!)

Blue gingerbread men?  Oh, well!                                                                                                                    
We hope you and yours have a very Merry Christmas and remember to Thank God for sending us Jesus, without HIM, Christmas is just another day!
