Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day

Ok, so I am officially a BUM!  I have done absolutely NOTHING productive all day!  When I told Jason I was going to take a nap at noon, he started laughing and said,"if you can't take a nap on Mother's Day, when can you?"  Gotta love him, eh?  As I write this, my boys are a.playing the Wii they got for Christmas from Granny & Papa (my mom & dad) and b. playing with a HALO lego thingy Scott got for his birthday from Nana & Grandpa (Jason's mom & dad).

My mom may not see this, but I have been blessed with 2 great moms!  My mom, Dru, has sacrificed every day I've been around her to make sure her kids have everything we could possibly want, need or desire.  Jason's mom, Frances, desires more than anything for her boys to be strong, wise men in a world run amok. Who could ask for better role models?  They aren't perfect, these women, but they are just what Jason & I need.  God always knows what we need even if it's not what we want.  My mom is my friend, but she's always made sure I understood her primary job was to be my mother.  She has healed many wounds through the years...even before she became a nurse, and she isn't afraid to discipline me even though I have kids of my own now.   Many people think I went into healthcare as a career because of my mother.  yes and no

I went into healthcare because I had planned on going into business, but the stock market crashed while I was in high school & even I, as a spoiled rotten teenager, could see that I needed to be able to work in a field where it would be highly unlikely I'd ever lose my job because of the economy.  Mom suggested I be a nurse as she had just finished LPN school...NO....I love all the nurses I'm around, but I don't think I could do that.  Then, she systematically went through every career in the hospital until she said, "How bout you be an x-ray tech?  They don't do anything anyway!"  Hmmm.... I thought, I could take x-rays of ankles and elbows.  Little did I know what I was getting myself into.  Within 3 months of being in "x-ray school", I could attest to the fact that we do more than most people imagine!  After I graduated, mom went back & got her RN since she couldn't do that and help pay my way through college at the same time.  I love my mom!  When I started Diagnostic Medical Sonography program at UAMS, she helped us even more!  

My mom is one of my heroes, is yours?
